Tony Hsieh
Chief Executive Officer, Zappos
On Wed, 01 Feb 2012 15:09:16 -0500, wrote:
> Dear Mr. Hsieh,
> It is an understandable viewpoint to not concern yourself with the
> business practices of others. It seems that you have already done what
> is at the heart of the pledge even though you have decided not to take
> the pledge. You are truly an altruist, not even seeking credit for the
> good you have already done. Thanks for taking the time to speak about
> this issue and if you have ever change your mind about taking credit
> for your altruism, the pledge is there for you to make.
> Sincerely,
> CEO Pay Cut
> On Wed, 1 Feb 2012 11:45:31 -0800 (PST), Tony Hsieh wrote:
>> I've actually already given away most of my $36,000 salary to other
>> Zappos employees already.
>> I can't speak for what's right for other companies, only what I feel
>> is right for myself and Zappos.
>> Best of luck with you and your endeavors.
>> ----------
>> Tony Hsieh
>> Follow me on Twitter:
>> My book:
>> On Wed, 1 Feb 2012, wrote:
>>> Dear Mr. Hsieh,
>>> Thank you for your response. A $36,000 a year salary with no chance of bonuses is certainly a low salary for all the work that you have done. You obviously are doing what you do because you enjoy doing it and it has never been about the money. Unfortunately, it seems you are in the minority with this type of thinking when it comes to the executive level.
>>> This site has sent out over 100 emails so far to executives at all types of companies to try to start a dialogue about growing wealth inequality, but not including auto reply, you are the first to respond. Clearly, this pledge is less for someone like you who is satisfied with the fortune you have already made and doesn't have a need for more. This pledge is directed mostly towards the executives who seem to never have enough. Not surprisingly these type of executives will not even respond to something like this. Also, not surprisingly someone like yourself took the time to respond. Apologies for catching you in a wide net of emails when you are not the intended target, but it's great that you chose be part of this conversation about this growing issue.
>>> In terms of a suggestion on how much to pledge, that is completely up to you. If you believe that executive compensation is getting out of hand and that it is effectively choking out the middle class and stifling the economy, then it would be an honor to have you be the first to make the pledge. Even one percent of your wage would be a strong statement. Granted, that kind of money will probably not create new jobs or raise wages for your employees as the pledge is intended to do, but it could boost morale in way of a killer annual party! More important than the actual amount of money from your pledge, would be your personal advocacy for the cause. This site has seen very little traction because it has gotten no press, because nothing is happening, nobody cares. With your help, your pledge could become newsworthy and bring more awareness to the issue. If you believe in the cause, please follow the link below and make a pledge.
>>> If you decide to make the pledge, would it be possible to further this conversation and talk about ways to promote your personal pledge and raise awareness for the cause? Thanks again for your response, it means a lot.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> CEO Pay Cut
>>> On Wed, 1 Feb 2012 09:58:12 -0800 (PST), Tony Hsieh wrote:
>>>> My salary has remained unchanged and is currently at $36,000/year
>>>> with no bonus possible. I believe this is about the same as the salary
>>>> of our average employee. What would you suggest reducing my salary to?
>>>> ----------
>>>> Tony Hsieh
>>>> Follow me on Twitter:
>>>> My book:
>>>> On Wed, 1 Feb 2012, wrote:
>>>>> Dear Mr. Hsieh,
>>>>> This is a personal invitation for you to pledge a percentage of your earnings back into your company to close the wealth inequality gap growing in America. As you may know, there has recently been a great deal of public scrutiny on the discrepancy between executive level compensation and that of the average employee.
>>>>> As a businessperson, you are more than deserving of a generous compensation for all your efforts, there is no questioning that. The issue is that America, the nation that made your prosperity possible, is in economic crisis. Your executive status puts you in a unique position to make a difference. By simply pledging wealth back into your own company, you can help simulate the economy. This is not charity or a handout, you are investing in the well being of the nation which just makes sense for all of us.
>>>>> If you would like to make a pledge, please click the following link.
>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>> CEO Pay Cut